sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

The Land Owners of the Argentine Pampas

A continuación van a encontrar dos párrafos del Dr. en Historia Moderna por la Universidad de Oxford, en su tesis titulada: "The Land Owners of the Argentine Pampas - a social and political history 1860-1945".

página 77: "The use of the estancia as a summer residence formed part of a new elite lifestyle. It reveals a profound shift in the value system of the upper class. Until the 1880s, the hot season was usually spent in the center or outskirts of the city. As Daireaux observed in 1884 'the quantity of people who leave the city to reside in the country in the hot season, which is by no means the most agreeable, is very small'. In the 1890s, spending the summer in the estancia become fashionable and descriptions of estates never failed to refer to this new feature. For estates to become summer residences, significant improvement had to take place. For instance, Vicente Casares's estancia was transformed during this years. In 1892 it had its 'grandiose park of fifty cuadras, entirely landscaped, although still unfinished. Three years later, the works have been largely completed, and the estancia, with its 'extensive park' and 'beautiful gardens' was described as 'enlivened in the summertime and during the vacations by an enchanting group of fresh, precious children. Herrera Vegas, for several decades one of the favourite physicians of the upper classes, channelled his income into buying land and by the 1890s was retired and spending 'many months of the year' in his Cabaña Luján. By the time, the Sansinenas were also regulary passing the summer in the house thy had constructed in Los Dos Talas. It was testimony to the elite's new rural roots that social directories such as the Guía de Familias of 1899 now gave information about both urban and rural residences."

página 201: "During the 1930s, the Luros invested in food procesing, the Pereyra iraolas, the Herrera Vegas and the Alzagas went into printing and broadcasting, and the Praderes tried manufacturing."

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